Friday, October 7, 2011

Migraine Numero Dos.


So last night I had my second migraine ever.

Felt kind of like this...
Yes I know, Classy. I was going to go into greater detail and have blood coming out my eye and splattering everywhere.. but I wanted to keep it classy.

If I had to describe how bad the pain was I would say it was like getting your  eye eaten, squished, poked with a needle, cheese grated, and slapped with a porcupine all at the same time.

So far I've only had two migraines my whole life. Before I started getting migraines I had killer headaches which was just my whole head feeling like it was going to explode.

But yes, ever since my first migraine I have grown cautious on the amount of pain pills I take. I don't want to get to the point where taking 2 pain pills wont do anything for me and have to go for something stronger.

The End.

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