Wednesday, May 9, 2012

College Tip #1: Professors

The types of professors I have encountered in college.

  • This professor will not care if you learn anything, you have already paid for the class so it's up to you to show up and ask questions.
  • They will say to the class it's optional for you to attend.
  • The class grade is also very likely to just consist of three test grades then an optional final.
  • Most likely students will complain the tests are super hard and his lectures pointless.
  • During regular class days the class will be half full, during test days there won't be enough seats.
  • In my opinion this is what a college professor should be. He should only be there to guide you and give you information. It should be up to you as a college student to figure out what needs to be done and when. This is not high school anymore. Buck up.
  • This professor will never stop talking.
  • He will then proceed to rant for the entire class time.
  • Warning: These professors can be either a big waste of time or very very smart/knowledgeable.
  • This professor EVERYONE will hate.
  • Teachers even know about how bad this professor is.
  • People who attended school 50 years before you will know who this is.
  • Their lectures will be decades old.
  • Word of Advice by students: RUN.
  • My experience: I've had this professor. Yes she was very tough, but like I said you are a university student. Things will not be spoon fed. Grow up. Get your stuff done. Do what you got to do: such as never sleeping. Remember, when your done with them your done! :D
  • You will fall in love with this professor.
  • It may happen as soon as they walk in, as soon as they talk, or as the semester progresses and one day realize you love them. 
  • This professor is the BEST professor.
  • Since you are in love with them everything they say you will take to heart. So it helps to fall in love with one who actually knows their stuff, so don't fall based on looks.
  • My experience: I found this professor my second year of college, he was the most hated professor ever, but to me he was great. 
There are four basic types of professors that I have encountered so far in college and the bottom like with all of them is GET YOUR STUFF DONE.

You are  no longer in high school, you are a college student. You are a young adult. You are smart enough to figure out what you need to do. All these teachers are their to help you, use them to your advantage. 

But if you can't there is always the internet and study groups. 

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