Monday, April 25, 2011

Here I am.

So here I am. Sitting. While my to-do lists just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. Yet I am here, just sitting, looking out a window, breathing. So since it’s pretty clear I am trying to avoid tackling that monster of a to-do list I created a blog, since obviously this will solve all my problems. ha.

But honestly I have wanted to create a blog for a while now, just never got the nerve. But now look at me writing my first post, I feel cool.

This is all very random. When I first got the idea of creating a blog I was like "It has to be creative, it has to be catchy, it has to be awesome." So of course the first thing I tried to come up with was a name. Who cares about what you’re going to talk about right? The name is what breaks it or makes it.

So searched searched searched and came up with names like: accidentally accidental, unexpectedly expected and so on and so forth. I even went as far as to use the thesaurus to come up with more "clever" little tittles. 
But as you can see I was going for the whole "I'm not even trying" kind of feel, just in case I ever made it big it would look like it was no big deal, just an accidental glory. ha. 

So since I spent all my time coming up with a name I was so excited when I had finally narrowed it down to about three so I searched to see if someone was using them, and yup every single one was taken. Fail.
Which then just killed my dreams, and I went to go do some homework.

This leads to me creating this blog. The most uneventful day of my life, a day in which I am wearing shorts, sneakers, and a t-shirt. But to my surprise it didn't stay uneventful.   

Around 4:00pm I was walking to my car feeling defeated just waiting to see the little citation envelope on the windshield wiper of my car. I had come to the conclusion earlier in the day that I had parked without a permit there. When BAM, I get to my car and there is nothing there. That was pretty exciting considering it would have been my third one, so I may or may not have had a little victory dance in the middle of the parking lot. It just depends on who you ask.. 

The End. 

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